Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition Full Version

Visual studio

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Visual C++ 2010 Express is part of the Visual Studio 2010 Express family. Visual Basic 2017 Express. Visual Studio Community. Pokemon Emerald Version 1.0 Pokemon Emerald Version is a a role playing. Microsoft 3D Pinball - Space. 1.0 Microsoft Windows Pinbal.

From Microsoft:Visual

If you're a gamer who wants to learn more about game development or a developer who wants to sharpen your development skills, check out these free developer learning resources that teach you, step-by-step, how to develop your own arcade games on the PC. Microsoft Visual Studio Express offers powerful development tools for all skill levels and lets you design great-looking and easy-to-use applications using an intuitive drag-and-drop interface designer.

Express Edition products are designed for hobbyists, students, and novice developers. As such, they lack the full breadth of features found in higher-end Visual Studio. The user interfaces are significantly streamlined to ensure that extraneous features do not interfere with the learning process.

What do you need to know about free software?

Active2 years, 11 months ago

I have the trial version of Visual Studio 2010. 60 days ago, I extended the trial version, but now the period is over. I again attempted to extend it, but it is not accepting the key I got from Microsoft. Are we only able to extend the trial one time? Please help me... I dont have VS now.

Cody Gray
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3 Answers

Sounds like you need to download Visual Studio 2010 Express. There doesn't seem to be any reason to muck about with a free trial if you never intend on paying for the software in the first place.

Find the appropriate version for you, and download it here:

Cody GrayCody Gray
200k38 gold badges403 silver badges487 bronze badges

Well, based on a limited sample size of 'you', I would say once. So you may want to consider being less of a cheapskate and going out to buy it.

Seriously, if you've used it for 60 days plus another 60 days, you might want to at least entertain the idea of beginning to speculate about the merest possibility of actually paying for it (with apologies to Douglas Adams, RIP).

How would you feel if we did that to your software, continuously extending the trial so that you received no economic benefit for your hard-earned yakka?

If you don't want to pay for it, there are plenty of free solutions, including Microsoft's own Express editions (or Community editions if you fall into one of the exempted-from-payment categories).

I actually long ago used VS2008 Express because the products I make with it don't make enough money to justify paying for the full version. The Express 2010 editions require registration within 30 days but then no further action after that.

And now, as mentioned, you also have VS2015 Community edition, which I use since I fall into one of those afore-mentioned categories.

I have no qualms about that since Microsoft explicitly allow this. That's not the case with trial software for their professional line of products (otherwise I'd be using them, of course).

665k185 gold badges1323 silver badges1721 bronze badges

If you are a small business and can't afford to pay full price for Visual Studio, you can spread the cost by subscribing to the MS Action Pack Developer package.

For a mere $375 per year you get:

VS 2010 professional complete and official

Expression Blend too (That one is costy!)

All Office tools for 10 users: thats worth $6500!

All server tools like SQLServer 8, Windows SBS 2008 R2

Visual Basic 2008 Express Download

Plus access to all beta products and online tuition, phone support, you name it.

Didier LevyDidier Levy
1,5829 gold badges28 silver badges53 bronze badges

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