Engleza pentru toti. Caiet de exercitii. Nivel 2: Incepatori Producator: Thomas booth. Manual engleza incepatori pdf, download curs engleza incepatori pdf.
Caiet De Exercitii Engleza Pdf Download Gratis
<ul><li><p>7/13/2019 Caiet Engleza Intermediari1</p><p> 1/43</p><p>Caiet de exerci!ii Exercises for students</p><p>1</p><p>FOCUS ON COMMUNICATION</p><p>EXERCISES FOR STUDENTS</p></li><li><p>7/13/2019 Caiet Engleza Intermediari1</p><p> 2/43</p><p>Caiet de exerci!ii Exercises for students</p><p>2</p><p>Scopul caietului de exerci!ii. Modalit'!i de utilizare.</p><p>Caietul de exerci!ii la limba englez', nivel intermediar-avansat, #i propune s' deastuden!ilor care urmeaz' cursurile Facult'!ii de Comunicare #i Rela!ii Publice n sistemulnv'!'mnt Deschis la Distan!' (IDD) posibilitatea de a exersa situa!ii comunica!ionale #iterminologia specific' teoriilor comunic'rii. Pentru a avea dreptul de a accede la examenul scris,to!i studen!ii din seriile de intermediari anul II vor avea obliga!ia de a completa a doua jum'tate dincaietul de exerci!ii (temele 8-14), cu scris de mn', de a l organiza sub forma unui dosar #i de a l</p><p>preda profesorilor n ziua test'rii. Acest caiet va reprezenta numai o condi!ie obligatorie pentruintrarea n examen, nu va constitui parte din nota studentului, care se va ob !ine pe baza testuluiscris.</p><p>Fiecare tem'din caiet, ca #i din curs, este conceput'n patru p'r!i, de aproximativ aceea#im'rime #i importan!' n structura general'. Cea dinti component' este una comunica!ional',</p><p>cuprinznd exerci!ii de scriere corect'n limba englez', de la prezentare pn'la scrisori oficiale sauinterviuri pentru ob!inerea unui post, de la modalit'!i de concepere a unui articol sau interviu pentruun ziar pn' la organizarea unor conferin!e de pres'. A doua structur' cuprinde exerci!ii degramatica limbii engleze, referitoare la verb, cel mai important #i mai dificil subiect de discutat.Partea a treia con!ine cerin!e de compozi!ie pe marginea textelor de comunicare desprecomponentele comunic'rii, propagand', pres' scris' #i electronic', rela!ii publice, creare deimagine, structura organiza!iei, imaginea politic', imaginea comercial'. A patra component' acursului cuprinde exerci!ii de vocabular uzual la nceput, pentru ca pe parcurs s' evolueze c'tre</p><p>probleme mai nuan!ate #i ct mai apropiate de domeniul comunic'rii sociale #i al rela!iilor publice.</p></li><li><p>7/13/2019 Caiet Engleza Intermediari1</p><p> 3/43</p><p>Caiet de exerci!ii Exercises for students</p><p>3</p><p>VIII. WHAT IS PUBLIC RELATIONS?</p><p>1. Write about the rules of a debate.</p><p>2. Write down for or against opinions on one of the following topics:Suggested topics:1. Fantasy is worthier than knowledge.2. The pen is more powerful than the sword.3. Schools destroy the personality.4. The place of the woman is in the kitchen.5. The engine of society is selfishness.</p></li><li><p>7/13/2019 Caiet Engleza Intermediari1</p><p> 4/43</p><p>Caiet de exerci!ii Exercises for students</p><p>4</p><p>3. Exercises:a. Put the verbs in brackets at the correct Long or Short Infinitive:1. He has decided (become) a mechanic. 2. Will you (come) to the theatre withme? 3. You ought (revise) for your exams this week. 4. We can (wait) for youhere. 5. I saw them (cross) the street. 6. I asked her (repeat) the question. 7. Id</p><p>rather (wait) for you outside. 8. He is (return) tomorrow. 9. They were seen(compare) notes. 10. This book is too difficult for her (understand) .b. Put the verbs in brackets at the correct Infinitive or Gerund:1. I will remember (give) your mother your message. 2. I remember (meet) him at your birthday last year. 3. Please stop (interrupt) me in the middle of a sentence.4. He stopped (talk) to his former pupils. 5. Did you forget (give) him thatmessage? 6. I definitely recall (leave) my coat in this room. 7. I like (cycle) . 8.I like (walk) in the rain. 9. I meant (tell) you, but I forgot. 10. He tried (sell) newspapers, (work) in a caf and various other jobs before he took up (write).</p><p>4. Translations:</p><p>a. 1. Sunt sigur c'argumentele mele o vor face s' se r'zgndeasc'. 2. L-am sf'tuit s' renun!e laslujba aceea. 3. Am auzit-o pe Carolina cntnd asear'la concert; nu m-am a#teptat s'aib'o voceatt de frumoas'. 4. Le voi permite copiilor s'mearg'la plimbare mine diminea!'. 5. I-am cerut s'nu spun'nim'nui ceea ce vedea acolo. 6. Nu are nici o scuz'c'a ntrziat. 7. Mul!umesc c'm-aiajutat s' g'sesc acest hotel. 8. Ei au insistat s'm'duc acolo n seara aceea. 9. Faptul c' i #tienumele este surprinz'tor. 10. Se gnde#te s'participe totu#i la acest concurs.</p><p>b. C', vezi, mintea e nsetat' de priceperea lucrurilor, de p'trunderea tainelor; #i osnda de anfrnge aceast'sete, de a tr'i f'r'potolirea ei, nsemna osnda de a te ntoarce la una din formeletrecute, de care natura n-a fost mul!umit', nseamn'osnda de a ucide n tine tocmai nsu#irea cuadev'rat #i cu deosebire omeneasc'. (I.Al.Br'tescu-Voine#ti Cele mai vechi amintiri).</p><p>5.Write about the future plans you have for your life and career, using as many Infinitive andGerund forms as you can.</p></li><li><p>7/13/2019 Caiet Engleza Intermediari1</p><p> 5/43</p><p>Caiet de exerci!ii Exercises for students</p><p>5</p><p>6. Translate the following text:To aid in understanding the history of formal public relations as well as its practice today,Professors James E. Grunigof the University of Maryland and Todd Huntof Rutgers: The StateUniversity of New Jersey have constructed four models of public relations. All four models are</p><p>practiced today, but the ideal one that in increasing use is the two-way symmetric model.They explain their models in their 1984 bookManaging Public Relations:Press Agentry/Publicity. Propaganda is the purpose, sought through one-way communication thatis often incomplete, distorted, or only partially true. The model is sourcereceiver. Communicationis viewed as telling, not listening, and little if any research is undertaken. P.T. Barnum was theleading historical figure during this models heyday from 1850 to 1900. Sports, theater, and product</p><p>promotion are the main field of practice today.Public Information. Dissemination of information, not necessarily with a persuasive intent, is the</p><p>purpose. The model is sourcereceiver. Research, if any, is likely to be confined to readabilitytests or leadership studies. Ivy Lee is the leading historical figure during this models earlydevelopment period from about 1900 into the 1920s. Government, nonprofit associations, and</p><p>business are primary fields of practice today.Two-Way Assymetric. Scientific persuasion is the purpose and communication is two-way, with</p><p>balanced effects. The model is sourcereceiver with feedback ()to the source. Research is bothformative, helping to plan an activity and to choose objectives, and evaluative, finding if the objecthas been met. Ivy Lee is the leading historical figure during the models period beginning in the1920s. Competitive business and public relations firms are the primary places of practice today.Two-Way Symmetric. Gaining mutual understanding is the purpose, and communication is two-way with balanced effects. The model is groupgroup with feedback (). Formative research isused mainly both to learn how the public perceives the organisation and to determine whatconsequences the organisation has for the public, resulting in the counseling of management about</p><p>policies. Evaluative research is used to measure whether a public relations effort has improved boththe understanding publics have of the organisation and that which management has of its publics.</p></li><li><p>7/13/2019 Caiet Engleza Intermediari1</p><p> 6/43</p><p>Caiet de exerci!ii Exercises for students</p><p>6</p><p>7. Imagine a dialogue between Mr. Wakefield and his wife in the text below:Let us now imagine Wakefield bidding adieu to his wife. It is the dusk of an October evening. Hisequipment is a drab greatcoat, a hat covered with an oilcloth, top-boots, an umbrella in one hand</p><p>and a small port-manteau in the other. He has informed Mrs. Wakefield that he is to take the nightcoach into the country. She would fain inquire the length of his journey, its object, and the probabletime of his return; but, indulgent to his harmless love of mistery, interrogates him only by a look.He tells her not to expect him positively by the return coach, nor to be alarmed should he tarry threeor four days; but at all events, to look for him at supper on Friday evening. (Wakefield, by</p><p>Nathaniel Hawthorne)</p><p>8. Match the words listed below with the dictionary definitions which follow: shareholders,dividends, strategic, tactical, expertise, eminent, frequently, obligations, remuneration, delegation,curtness, co-ordinate, diversify, objectives, take-over, integrity, executive, enterprise,administration, conflicting, majority, arbitrary, initiate, compliance, generalist.1. To avoid the situation where all the eggs are in one basket.2. Someone in a position of authority.3. An undertaking with a view to profit.4. The quality of being reliable and straightforward.5. Brevity to the point of rudeness.6. Payments made to those who own the equity of a company.7. To bring together effectively.8. The decision which chooses the direction in which the company is going.9. The part of a business concerned with day-to-day problems.10. Opposing or varying11. Meeting with the set requirements.12. Someone who is able to contribute to a business in a variety of its departments.</p><p>13. Having a reputation in a particular branch of business, such as law.14. The sort of decision which is not based on facts.15. The opposite of rights.16. Targets or goals.17. To commence or start.18. More than half, for example, of votes cast.19. Part proprietors of a company. Those who collectively own the equity.20. Specialised skill or knowledge.21. A description for salary, usually reserved for more senior officers.22. The act of giving authority to ones subordinates, while retaining the responsibility for the</p><p>outcome.</p><p>23. The situation when a majority of a companys voting shares are acquired by outsiders.</p></li><li><p>7/13/2019 Caiet Engleza Intermediari1</p><p> 7/43</p><p>Caiet de exerci!ii Exercises for students</p><p>7</p><p>24. Occurring often.25. The decision which concerns using the resources which have been allocated to the best possible</p><p>effect.9. Using the verbs to look for, to seek and to search, translate the following sentences into English:a. Caut'bine, sunt sigur'c'l-am pus acolo!</p><p>b. Ce cau!i? Pot s'te ajut?</p><p>c. Ei, ai g'sit ce-ai c'utat, ce s'-i faci!</p><p>d. Hai s'c'ut'm bine prin toate sertarele.</p><p>e. La treizeci de ani Buddha a plecat n c'utarea n!elepciunii.</p><p>f. O echip'de salvare a #i plecat deja n c'utarea echipajului pierdut.</p><p>g. Dup'ce l-au c'utat bine prin buzunare i-au dat drumul.</p><p>h. Am scotocit toate hrtiile degeaba, n-am g'sit ce c'utam.</p><p>i. Te-am c'utat prin mul!ime dar nu te-am g'sit.</p><p>j. Se pare c'o cau!i cu lumnarea, o s-o ncurci!</p><p>10. Find synonyms and opposites for the following words:mobile</p><p>publicto confirmto revealto distinguishto decline, rashlyautocraticallydecisively</p><p>purposefullyto concentrate</p></li><li><p>7/13/2019 Caiet Engleza Intermediari1</p><p> 8/43</p><p>Caiet de exerci!ii Exercises for students</p><p>8</p><p>IX. WHO IS THE IMAGE BUILDER?</p><p>1. Translate the following article from The Times:Alan Hamiltonwatches the Queen venture into a strange world of trainers and plastic washing-up</p><p>bowlsThose determined to portray the monarch as a peoples Queen could hardly have designed a more</p><p>populist day out for her yesterday: she spent the morning in Ellesmere Port, shopping forkitchenware and a pair of trainers, sustaining herself with a visit to a drive-in McDonalds.Being the Queen, she bought neither canvas shoes nor plastic washing-up bowl, and no Big Mac</p><p>passed the royal lips. But as an exercise in carefully stage-managed window-shopping, it opened theeyes of both Sovereign and subjects.Her visit to the Cheshire Oaks Designer Outlet Village fitted the new pattern that has emerged tocounter criticisms of remoteness that surfaced after the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. Typicallyon an away day, the Queen now meets far more ordinary people in everyday situations and farfewer flunkeys.</p><p>As the royal limousine drew up outside the burger bar, there seemed a momentary danger that theQueen might have to go inside to learn the mysteries of Quarter-Pounders and Chicken McNuggets;</p><p>but she was spared, and her meeting was restricted to meeting the staff on the pavement outside.She looked a mite glum.Pausing briefly to talk to members of a shopping motability group, and to be told that it would costher 3 to hire a battery wheelchair, the Queen decided to walk, first to Whittards Coffee andKitchenware store to browse among the utensils. She was fascinated by the plastic bowls; shecouldnt make out what they were made of, the manageress Katie Bellis said later. The shop</p><p>presented her with a green glass bowl and some barbecue tools, which may yet find employment atBalmoral.The royal shopping entourage moved on to the Reebok store, where she engaged the managerDarryl Peacock in conversation on the latest in sports shoes. I asked if she would like to buy a pair,</p><p>but she just smiled. She did take an interest in one sweater which she said Prince Philip might like,Mr. Peacock reported.Earlier the Queen, accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh, had toured the nearby Blue Planetaquarium, the largest in Britain, to come face to face with a sand tiger shark; fortunately there wasstout protective glass between them. The rest of her day, which included visiting a hospital and a</p><p>power station, seemed deeply traditional by comparison.</p></li><li><p>7/13/2019 Caiet Engleza Intermediari1</p><p> 9/43</p><p>Caiet de exerci!ii Exercises for students</p><p>9</p><p>2. Answer the following questions:a. You receive at the editorial office a press release of the miners in the Jiu Valley, announcing the</p><p>organisation of a meeting in Bucharest during the next day. What steps do you undertake inorder to verify the information and to accomplish a complex material?</p><p>b. You receive an anonymous telephone informing you that the headquarters of an importantpolitical party is on fire. What do you do as a reporter?c. You are the reporter responsible for the field of public transport at a national newspaper. What</p><p>sources would you use for obtaining information?d. Order according to the importance the following topics discussed at the press conference of the</p><p>mayor: critics addressed to the town counsellors of the opposition; announcement regarding the closing of hot water for two weeks for maintenance works; announcement regarding the opening of a new subway station.</p><p>Give reasons for your answer.e. Conceive three pieces of information which could be transformed into articles. Why have you</p><p>chosen them?f. Could the description of the Botanical Gardens in Bucharest be a text to be published in an</p><p>informative newspaper? Why?</p></li><li><p>7/13/2019 Caiet Engleza Intermediari1</p><p> 10/43</p><p>Caiet de exerci!ii Exercises for students</p><p>10</p><p>3. Pass the following sentences from the Direct to the Indirect Speech:a. 1. Mary said to me, Id like to go out; 2. They always say, These exercises are too difficult forus; 3. Doris is saying, Behave yourself, Peter!; 4. Dan is always saying, I have left my notebook</p><p>at home; 5. The teacher has said to the pupils, I want to have a look at your homework; 6. Johnand Tom are saying, We havent done our homework; 7. I am leaving for the seaside tomorrow;8. We watched TV last night; 9. We have never been here before;...</p></li></ul>